Helpline 0800 256 256

Your donation helps

Over 130,000 people live with a brain injury in Switzerland. Help them with your donation!

Over 130,000 people live with a brain injury in Switzerland. Help them with your donation!

We will use your money where help is needed most – for social counselling, support in day-to-day living, self-help groups or education. Thank you very much!

Donate directly to our Post Office Account PC 80-10132-0. IBAN CH77 0900 0000 8001 0132 0

Payable to: FRAGILE Suisse Schweizerische Vereinigung für Menschen mit Hirnverletzung Badenerstrasse 696, 8048 Zurich.

Or order a pay-in slip

As a charitable organisation, FRAGILE Suisse finances its activities in large part from the donations of private persons and foundations. The Federal Social Insurance Office (FSIO) also provides remuneration for certain services. Additional income is generated through our own services.

Help people with brain injuries with your donation. Many thanks for your commitment!

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